Monday, May 21, 2012

Yet another reason not to regularly go grocery shopping.

We planned to make the 16-hour drive to Texas in the middle of May, but the four days before, we planned to be in Boise, 6 hours in the opposite direction. Grocery shopping the week before, as a result, was limited to "what can I absolutely not survive without" and "what do we want to eat in the car that won't get all over the place if we spill," the latter of the two of which we failed miserably. But hey, we can clean the car.

So Sunday, the in-between day (which here means 12 hours with the sun going down in the middle of it) we still wanted to eat. And we hadn't eaten anything that day, so it needed to be good.

But remember grocery shopping?

I had a lone chicken breast sitting in the bag in my freezer, most likely the result of better-planned meals in which I left... just one? but I had chicken. A little bit. Also in my freezer were the grocery store special of vegetables. Which I bought with the idea of making stir fry, but for whatever reason, the stir fry that result was sub-par. Not worth repeating.

I had half a pepper in my refrigerator drawer, so I chopped it and threw it in with the antioxidant blend and the little bit of chicken. Cayenne pepper for taste. It just didn't look all that appetizing. I had rice cooking at the same time, but this just wasn't going to be very good. What else could I add?

My favorite part of doing this is the surprise on Jeremy's face during the process. He walked into the kitchen at this point, no comment from him beyond that he's hungry, which is normal. He's good at eating everything I make- we evaluate it while we eat, objectively, and we decide how it maybe could be better or different the next time we try it, if it is deemed worth a second try. So he sees what I'm working on, asks what it is, listens to my less-than-optimistic response, assures me it will be fine, he's starving and when is it ever bad? and then returns to whatever he was doing. When he comes in again a couple of minutes later, he exclaims, "How do you do that?!"

It just makes this fun :)

So when I opened my cupboard, I found a couple of tuna-sized cans of shredded chicken and a large can of diced tomatoes. These substantially filled the pan in which I was frying everything, and the mix was a very aesthetically pleasing one. Cayenne pepper was not a bad choice, but chili powder was better, which made it smell a lot more appetizing too.

Unfortunately, I forget to take pictures. This is a close representation of the final product, but it's missing the green from the broccoli. But it was very good. And, as desired in the beginning, none of the food I still had went bad while we were gone :) Success!

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